Business Studies Notes Form One – All Topics

Business Studies Notes Form One – All Topics

Business Studies Notes For Form One – All Topics, Business Studies Form One Full Notes for New Syllabus 2025 by TIE – Tanzania Institute of  Education, Business Studies Form One Notes New Curriculum, Sole Proprietorship, Entrepreneurship, Introduction To Business Studies, Explain the meaning of Business studies, Explain the importance of Business studies in society, benefits of learning business studies,

A business is an economic activity engaged in producing or buying and selling of goods and services with the aim of earning profit through satisfying customers’ needs.

It offers people with a variety of things they need for survival, desire to own or use.

In the society, there are various businesses both large and small that take place in different places. Small businesses are such as small retail shops, selling of fresh fruits or items on street and carpentry.

Moreover, there are also businesses that provide services to their customers such as photography, makeup artistic, content video creation, transcribing and translating.

On the other hand, large scale businesses include supermarkets, multiple shops, automotive, mobile phone companies, textile, ship building and sugar industries.

Purpose of business (Reasons for the existence of businesses)

Business is important in any society because it is not possible for people to provide themselves with all what they need without direct or indirect aid from others.

Some of the main reasons why businesses exist are: 

  • To provide goods and services
  • To create employment
  • To earn profit
  • To utilize extra resources
  • To utilize spare time

Business Studies Notes Form One – All Topics

Topic 1

Introduction To Business Studies

Topic 2


Topic 3

Sole Proprietorship